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January 29, 2020

Thompson Bill to Improve TSA Frontline Workforce Approved by Committee

(WASHINGTON) – Today, by a vote of 17-9, the House Committee on Homeland Security favorably reported bipartisan legislation sponsored by Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) to improve the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) frontline workforce. The Rights for Transportation Security Officers Act (H.R. 1140), as amended will ensure Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) are afforded the same rights and protections afforded to other Federal workers under Title 5 of the U.S. Code. Under H.R. 1140, TSOs would be compensated under the General Services wage system, have full collective bargaining rights, and be provided opportunities to effectively raise issues in dispute to an independent third party. This bill currently has 238 co-sponsors, 10 of whom are Republican. 

Chairman Thompson released the following statement on the legislation:

“Despite their zero-fail mission, Transportation Security Officers are among the lowest paid Federal employees. Worse yet, many of them live paycheck to paycheck. This is no way to run a critical security agency charged with securing our skies. The time has come for TSA to join the 21st century and treat its frontline workforce like others in the Federal government.

“We owe it to the officers who serve on the front lines of our transportation systems and defend our country against threats to provide them with appropriate pay and protections. We also owe it to the flying public to continue to develop TSA into the professional, capable national security agency that Congress originally envisioned.

“I thank my colleagues for supporting this legislation – particularly Congresswoman Nita Lowey – who has continually been my partner in fighting to get this bill introduced each Congress. I hope it can be considered on the House floor as soon as possible.”

Chairman Thompson Full Statement on H.R. 1140

H.R. 1140 Fact Sheet 

H.R. 1140 Bill Text

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Press Contact

Adam Comis at 202-225-9978